Friday, July 1, 2011

Thank Gawd!

OK. No photos just one gasp of relief.  Thank Gawd, the jacaranda tree has run out of blooms (hands pulling hair out)!

Jacarandas in bloom are a lovely thing to admire... from a far.  Do not under any circumstances live under them.



  1. You have my sympathy, Dustin... when Paul and I lived in LB we never lived under a jac but we were treated to the lovely cat pee smell of carpets of rotting blooms every year in the neighborhood ... ick... you're right: best from a distance! Have a great holiday weekend. R

  2. I agree! A couple of the neighbors have them. I get all the enjoyment with none of the mess.

    Though come to think of it when the Santa Anas start on to blow my driveway is full of their big hard seedpods and tiny crevice-filling leaves.

  3. Hey, just saw your comment. I guess I missed you at Bill's. Next time you're around let me know and you can come over.

    And, there's nothing worse than parking under a Jac

  4. DG, no photos, yeah pretty lazy.

    RR,HB and PVH. I can tell I'm not the only one with Jac problems.

    PVH, I can't wait to see the inner workings of Party Valley Heights!
