Friday, June 17, 2011

I think I have a crush on Agastache 'Acapulco Salmon and Pink'

Yeah, I think I have a crush on agastache. All the signs are there. :-) We spent some time in the garden together this morning.   I wrote about it a while back and I just can't stop thinking about it. The more time I spend with this plant the more I like it.  It's polite, well more or less.  I haven't found any seedlings in the garden, and it stays in a nice clump.  Let's see,  it smells lovely wearing a lemon mint cologne.  The pink and salmon flowers, which are MANY,  have this way of cutting through the grey light we have had recently (or like the last 9 months).  Oh and the hummingbirds like it, and I like hummers.

Sigh,  what a plant. I had wondered if I were over doing it  (seeing too much of each other, you know how it is, too much of a good thing) when I planted TEN more plants this spring in addition to the mature one I already had.  But I think for now I'm just going to see how things go. For the moment it's bliss.


  1. See, you do plant en masse! ;)

  2. sounds like the beginning of a beautiful courtship!

  3. Laguna lady, yes one can hope. Time will tell of course.

  4. Denise, there is en masse and then there is a garden enveloped in flowers. I may have a problem.

  5. Thanks to you, I am also having quite the affair with agastache. Mine are different but one is straight orange with grey foliage and the other is dark pink w/ orange, deeper color than your apaches. The hummies do love them and I'm happy to have put a slow down on the great hummingbird wars of 2011 in my backyard because these are in the front yard.

  6. I must be one of the rare folks that Agastache doesn't love back. I've failed at the relationship a couple times. Was it something I said? It probably was more like giving Aggie a spot with way less sun than the plant is used to. I'll try again once the hurt wears off...

  7. Hey James,

    Maybe you could put one in a pot next to some of your Sarracenias. Just a thought.

    Would like to visit your garden some time.

